Broken Link Building: The Complete Guide

Broken Link Building: The Complete Guide

Broken link building is one of the most popular link-building tactics around. It’s the fifth most widely used tactic according to Aira’s annual state of link building report, which crowdsources opinions from over 250 digital marketing professionals. But it’s not entirely foolproof, and there’s some nuance to doing it well. In this guide, you’ll learn how … Read more

Next Search Intent — Whiteboard Friday

Next Search Intent — Whiteboard Friday

Satisfying search intent is a critical component of our daily SEO work. But if you’re not thinking ahead to what a searcher might look for after that initial query is answered, you could be missing out. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Ola tells you what “next search intent” is, why it’s important, and how to optimize for … Read more

What It Is & How It Works

What It Is & How It Works

Canonicalization is the process that search engines use to determine the main version of a page. That is the page that will be indexed and shown to users. The chosen version is canonical, and ranking signals like links will consolidate to that page. This process is sometimes referred to as standardization or normalization. According to … Read more

Will Removing Many H1s Improve Clicks to Page?

Will Removing Many H1s Improve Clicks to Page?

Before you start: what do you know about SEO split-testing? If you’re unfamiliar with the principles of statistical SEO split-testing and how SplitSignal works, we suggest you start here or request a demo.  First, we asked our Twitter followers to vote: Here’s what other SEO professionals have to share about this test: Bostjan Tanko, SEO Specialist … Read more

What Is Link Bait? 7 Successful Examples

What Is Link Bait? 7 Successful Examples

Not every page on your website will earn you backlinks. That is one of the many reasons why link building is hard. Pages need links to rank. Yet not all pages will earn them. But there is a certain type of page you can create that will naturally earn links better than others. In the SEO world, … Read more

What Are Rich Snippets (How Do You Get Them)?

What Are Rich Snippets (How Do You Get Them)?

What Are Rich Snippets? Rich snippets are Google search results that display extra data, like ratings or reviews.  Google pulls this data from special code (“structured data markup”) you can add to your webpage’s HTML. A typical Google search result looks like this: A rich snippet can look something like this:  In the second example, … Read more

Looking Into SERP Volatility with Semrush Sensor

Looking Into SERP Volatility with Semrush Sensor

What Is SERP Volatility? Volatility is defined as a liability to change, often unpredictably and for the worse.  SERP volatility (search engine results page volatility) measures the overall amount of change happening to search engine results. For SEOs, volatility is synonymous with stress and anxiety. A feeling that at any moment, all of your hard … Read more

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