How to write better blog posts for your Shopify store

How to write better blog posts for your Shopify store

Having awesome products is why people would shop in your Shopify store. But there are many options to get people to notice those amazing products. One of those is content marketing, and then specifically blogging. This article will give practical tips on improving your Shopify store’s blog posts. Main reasons to publish blog posts on … Read more

10 tips for an awesome and SEO-friendly blog post

10 tips for an awesome and SEO-friendly blog post

Writing blog posts requires skill. To keep readers interested, you should think about the structure of your content and keep it enjoyable. Because if people like and understand your post, they’re much more likely going to share it with others – and that will increase your rankings. So, if you want to improve your writing … Read more

Perfect prompts: 10 tips for AI-driven SEO content creation

Perfect prompts: 10 tips for AI-driven SEO content creation

The art of content creation has become increasingly sophisticated. The key to standing out is to produce high-quality content. You should craft it precisely, making it both engaging for readers and friendly to search engines. This is where AI-powered content generation tools like ChatGPT, Bing CoPilot and Google Gemini come in, offering efficiency and creativity. … Read more

How to write an SEO-friendly introduction for a blog post

How to write an SEO-friendly introduction for a blog post

What is the most important part of a post? The first paragraph! It’s the introduction of your article, and tells your audience what your post is about. But the first paragraph is also important to Google. That’s why you should give it extra attention. In this blog post, we’ll explain why an SEO-friendly introduction is so important, and give practical … Read more

Paragraph length check: Why and how to write shorter paragraphs

Paragraph length check: Why and how to write shorter paragraphs

The paragraph length check in Yoast SEO (for WordPress or Shopify) tells you to write shorter paragraphs when they are too long. But why is this important? What does a good paragraph even look like? And lastly, what should you do to keep your paragraphs concise? Let’s explore! Why your paragraphs shouldn’t be too long Properly sized … Read more

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