How Do I Review a Business on Google: Reviews Guide 2023

Step 1: Tap on Google search using any of your Android or IOS devices; mobile phone, laptop, tablet, iPad, anything.

Step 2: Go to Google maps.

Step 3: Tap on contribute in the button right. (in the case of android mobile)

Step 4: Tap on the Google search tab to find the brand or business you want to share your reviews.

Step 5: Select the (specific) location. (in case of multiple brands of the store or business)

Step 6: Log into your Google account and begin writing your review.

Although, you should condense your review into one or two paragraphs, you are only allowed 4000 characters.

So, if you feel the need to elaborate on your concert, go ahead; take the time to do so and leave your insightful comments on Google.

So that others can benefit from that.

Step 7: You can give the company a brand rating on a scale of 1 to 5 stars in addition to writing your honest reviews.

Where 1 star is the lowest and 5 stars are the highest.

Since, you have come so far reading my blog, as a bonus I would like to give some bonus tips which could help you earn more positive customer responses.

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