Top 10 Free Backlink Checker Tools to Supercharge SEO Strategy

Being in the SEO industry, you might know that backlinks they are the backbone of SEO. They act as votes of confidence, telling search engines your website is trustworthy and deserves a higher ranking.

But, analyzing your backlink profile can feel like solving a complicated puzzle, especially if your budget doesn’t allow for fancy SEO tools.

Fear not, you SEO warriors!

I’m here to tell you the secret weapons that will help you in your SEO strategy: 10 FREE Backlink Checker Tools that will help you understand your backlink landscape and supercharge your SEO strategy.

Before we dive in, a quick reminder: While these tools are amazing, remember quality trumps quantity. Concentrate on creating valuable and niche links from trustworthy sites.

Now, let’s explore the top ten free backlink checker tools!

1. Google Search Console:

Think of Google Search Console as your free treasure map, not a complete blueprint, but still invaluable for navigating the backlinks data.

It might not show you every hidden gem, but it tells crucial details about your internal linking structure and referral sources, guiding you towards better SEO.

Free Backlink Clues:

  • Internal Linking: Analyze how pages on your website link to each other, ensuring proper information flow and SEO value distribution.
  • Referral Sources: See which websites are sending visitors to your pages, offering insights into your audience and potential link-building opportunities.
  • Disavow Tool: Protect your SEO health by disavowing harmful backlinks identified elsewhere.

But remember, the Map Has Limits:

  • No Backlink Analysis: Search Console doesn’t offer a full backlink profile analysis, leaving you to explore other tools for deeper insights.
  • Limited Referral Data: You might not see all your referring domains, requiring additional tools for a comprehensive picture.
  • No Individual Backlink Details: You won’t see specific backlink URLs or their metrics, limiting in-depth analysis.

How to Use It:

  • Internal Linking Optimization: Identify and fix broken internal links, ensuring proper website structure and SEO benefits.
  • Referral Source Analysis: Understand where your website traffic comes from and identify potential link-building partners.
  • Basic Backlink Health Check: Use the disavow tool to remove harmful backlinks identified through other tools.

Remember: Google Search Console is a powerful free tool, but not a replacement for dedicated backlink checkers.

Think of it as your starting point, offering valuable clues to guide your SEO journey before you start your full-fledged treasure hunt with other tools.

The second most used tool for backlinks, Ahrefs offers a limited free report with essential metrics like domain rating and anchor text distribution.

Think of this backlink checker as the world’s best free backlink tools. It might not pack the full punch of its paid counterpart, but it throws enough jabs to give you a solid understanding of your backlink profile.

Ahrefs is perfect for a quick snapshot of your backlink profile.

Remember: Ahrefs Backlink Checker is a free appetizer, not a full SEO feast. But for a quick taste of your backlink situation, it’s a valuable tool to have in your backlink strategy.

With the largest database, Semrush is the top-third tool that used by marketers worldwide. Imagine a library overflowing with backlinks, more than any other tool can offer. That’s Semrush Backlink Checker in a nutshell.

But, the free plan shows only a handful of backlinks. Use it’s paid version for a detailed competitor analysis to see where they’re getting their links and dominate the SERPs.

Remember: Semrush Backlink Checker is a valuable tool for competitor research, but it’s not a replacement for a comprehensive backlink analysis.

Think of it as a free flashlight to explore the first few steps into the vast backlink cave. To truly map the entire terrain, you’ll need to upgrade.

4. Majestic Backlink Checker:

Imagine traveling back in time, witnessing the evolution of your website’s backlink profile like a historical documentary. That’s the magic of Majestic Backlink Checker, offering a glimpse into your past links.

But remember, it comes with limitations. You need to upgrade if need deep insights.

5. Ubersuggest Backlink Analyzer:

This freemium tool offers decent backlink insights like referring domains and anchor text distribution. Upgrade to Ubersuggest’s paid plans for deeper analysis, competitor comparisons, historical data, and more.

But, even with the free plan, you can enjoy a fun and informative introduction to the world of backlinks.

So, grab your virtual swing and head over to Ubersuggest Backlink Analyzer for a free exploration of your link landscape!

6. SEO Review Tools Backlink Checker:

The free plan packs a punch with features like referring domains, anchor text, and even spam detection.

Upgrade to SEO Review Tools’ paid plans to unlock advanced features like:

  • Deeper Backlink Analysis: Dive into individual backlink details and metrics.
  • Historical Data Tracking: See how your link profile has changed over time.
  • Enhanced Competitor Insights: Compare your backlinks to competitors in more detail.

Remember: SEO Review Tools Backlink Checker is a great free starting point, but it’s not a full-fledged backlink analysis solution. Think of it as your free gym pass, building your foundational knowledge before you compete in the SEO Olympics.

7. Mangools Link Miner:

While the free plan is limited, it provides informative data like:

  • Referring Domains: Discover the diverse websites linking to yours, indicating reach and potential impact.
  • Link Types: Understand the breakdown between dofollow and nofollow links, crucial for SEO impact.
  • Anchor Text Distribution: Analyze how keywords appear in your backlinks’ anchor text, helping prevent spam flags.

Affordable paid plans offer deeper insights and competitor analysis.

Remember: Mangools Link Miner’s free plan is a valuable pickaxe for basic backlink exploration. Think of it as your first foray into the mine, whetting your appetite for the riches hidden deeper.

8. SERanking Backlink Analysis Tool:

This tool offers free comprehensive reports with a friendly reminder that true depth requires an upgrade. You can generate comprehensive reports with the freemium version, but be prepared for limitations.

Use it’s paid plans for detailed backlink analysis and competitor comparisons including below:

  • Unlimited Backlink Data: Uncover the full depth of your backlink profile, leaving no stone unturned.
  • Unlimited Reports: Monitor your backlink health with frequent, in-depth reports.
  • Historical Data Tracking: See how your link profile has changed over time, revealing trends and patterns.

Remember: SERanking’s free Backlink Analysis Tool is a powerful telescope for backlink exploration. It offers detailed views, but to truly conquer the entire mountain range, you might need a climbing rope (upgrade).

9. Backlink Watch:

Ideal for small websites, the free plan offers basic link research like referring domains and anchor text. Upgrade for a more comprehensive analysis.

Remember: Backlink Watch’s free plan is a useful tool for smaller websites starting their SEO journey. Think of it as your first boat, teaching you the basics of navigation before you captain a galleon.

10. Moz Open Site Explorer:

Think of it as your friendly neighborhood SEO guru, offering valuable insights even in its free plan.

This is the tool which unlocks historical backlink data, but the free plan has limitations.

Explore it for insights into your website’s backlink history and identify lost links.


  • Paid Alternatives: If you need advanced features, consider paid solutions like Ahrefs, Semrush, and Moz Pro. Remember, sometimes investing in the right tools can save you time and effort in the long run.
  • Interpreting Backlink Data: Look for metrics like domain authority, anchor text diversity, and referring domain relevance. Avoid spammy links and focus on building natural backlinks.
  • Building High-Quality Backlinks: Guest blogging, broken link building, and creating link-worthy content are effective strategies. Also, don’t neglect internal linking!

Remember: Backlink analysis is crucial for SEO success. Use these free tools to gain valuable insights, build a strong backlink profile, and watch your website climb the search engine rankings!


Backlink analysis is crucial for SEO success. Use these free tools to gain valuable insights, build a strong backlink profile, and watch your website climb the search engine rankings!

Now it’s your turn: Which free backlink checker tool are you most excited to try?

Share your experiences in the comments below!

And, if you found this post helpful, subscribe for more SEO tips and tricks. Let’s conquer the search engine landscape together!

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