All about Core Web Vitals: INP (Interaction to Next Paint)

All about Core Web Vitals: INP (Interaction to Next Paint)

Google’s Core Web Vitals have emerged as critical metrics for SEO. These metrics help you optimize your websites for a superior user experience. A new player is making headlines among these vital metrics: Interaction to Next Paint (INP). This one replaces the First Input Delay (FID). This post will explain what INP entails, its significance, … Read more

Is conversational commerce really the future?

Is conversational commerce really the future?

“Always be available”. That’s common advice for online businesses. After all, you don’t know who might be awake and browsing your site. Having a website makes this easy, and using automated bots for your customer service makes it even easier. That’s why conversational commerce has grown so popular. But is this a good development? Or … Read more

The importance of accessibility in WordPress

The importance of accessibility in WordPress

WordPress and the community around it are very committed to making websites as accessible as possible. Websites should be accessible to every visitor and anyone should be able to use WordPress to create their website or application. To keep accessibility top of mind, there’s a dedicated Accessibility Team that provides expertise and further improves WordPress … Read more

Why accessibility is important (in the time of AI)

Why accessibility is important (in the time of AI)

Nowadays, it’s easy to run a blog. Simply head to your generative AI tool of choice, insert a prompt, and you’re good to go. But is it really that simple? Spoiler: no. Generated content isn’t as original as something you’ve written yourself. And there’s another thing AI doesn’t take into account: accessibility.  With over 100 … Read more

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